Glossary of terms used in the Digest
ASD - Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Commissioning -The process of ensuring that services are effective and meet the needs of a given population
Evidence - Information or data to inform decision making
Incidence - The measure of new cases in a given timescale
JSNA - Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Manualised - An approach with exact steps to follow to ensure consistency across providers
Needs Assessment - Process for identifying strengths and gaps in the current provision of a service
Outcome - The end result
Prevalence - The proportion of a population with an identified need
Prosocial behaviour - Actions and behaviours which help others
SEND - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
SLCN - Speech, Language and Communication needs
Specialist level - Support for children with a specialist level of need
Specification - Requirements of a service
Targeted level - Support children with an identified level of need
Universal level - Support for all children